Our Vision Of ESG

With our expertise in ESG management, we help our clients to realise their commitments to responsible investment

ESG in a few figures
of our analyses integrates Material ESG Factors
by end-March 2024, excluding ABS and RTO
of assets compliant with SFDR Article 8
€353bn by end-March 2024
investments in sustainable bonds
green, social, sustainable, sustainability-linked and transition bonds, by end-March 2024
94 %
open-ended fund’s assets certified with the French SRI Label
by end-March 2024
Score on the “Coal Phase-Out Strategy” criterion, according to the Coal Policy Tool by Reclaim Finance

Ostrum Asset Management strives to take all ESG dimensions on board in investment decisions, as we roll out our responsible strategy by drawing on:

  • an extensive sector and exclusion policy ;
  • an integration policy across all our asset classes ;
  • an engagement policy that is applied both individually across all our asset classes and collaboratively.

Ostrum Asset Management has been a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) since 2008. The company has been persistently lauded for the quality and ambition of its approach to responsible investment, receiving excellent scores with A/A+ for all asset classes under management for all modules where we are assessed.


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