High-Yield Credit

Key features

  1. Unleashing robust performance potential by investing in high yield corporate bonds
  2. Broad sector and geographical diversity offering multiple investment opportunities
  3. Exposure to an asset class with low correlation to other fixed-income instruments


Our strengths

  • planet

    International Expertise

    Our high yield investment expertise covers all geographical areas, offering opportunities on every continent.

  • search

    Active Fundamental Management

    Our active fundamental approach draws on our in-house credit analysis team, which covers an international investment universe and applies a bottom-up approach to select 60-80 issuers.

  • people

    Team-Based Approach

    Our portfolio managers, economists, strategists and credit analysts take a team-based approach to single out the best investment opportunities.

Our investment team

  • Philippe Berthelot

    Philippe Berthelot

    CIO Credit & Money Markets

  • Erwan Guilloux

    Erwan Guilloux

    Leader expert Credit

Further reading

Reading time : 15 min.
Each month we share the conclusions from the monthly strategy investment committee which provides a summary of Ostrum’s views on the economy, strategy and markets.
Reserved for pros
Reading time : 5 min.
The ECB has started its rate cut cycle, but we do not expect rapid adjustments in the coming months. Yields should therefore remain attractive in the money market, which also offers low volatility and interest rate risk. Money market assets should therefore remain an important component of investors' asset allocation.To find out more about this interesting context, Fairouz Yahiaoui, Money market Portfolio Manager and Sanda Molotcov, Head of Credit Research at Ostrum AM share their views in this video.
Reserved for pros
Reading time : 5 min.
The Ultra Short Plus Credit strategy, an SRI investment opportunity in the very short maturity corporate bond market.‘For investors looking for regular and attractive yields, very short-term credit can offer the right solution: Short-term euro rates are at their highest in 15 years.’Emmanuel Schatz, Portfolio Manager for the SRI Credit Ultra Short Plus strategy
Reserved for pros

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