Who we are

Ostrum Asset Management is a responsible European institutional investment management leader, we support investors offering both

  • asset management solutions on the back of its long-standing insurance-related and fixed-income management expertise (stocks and bonds) ;
  • investment services thanks to our innovative technological platform.

Ostrum Asset Management is an affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers.


Ostrum in figures


billion of assets under management


billion of insurance-related assets under management


billion of assets under administration

Administered assets include Ostrum AM's assets. The services provided for a given client may concern certain services only.

Ostrum in a nutshell

A leading European player*

  • €402 billion of assets under management1, including €289 in insurance-related assets1
  • €523.5 billion of assets administered on the services platform1


* IPE Top 500 Asset Managers (Investment & Pensions Europe) 2023 ranked Ostrum AM as the 9th largest asset manager, as at 12/31/2022. References to a ranking are not a guide to the asset manager’s future results.

Global offer: asset management and investment services

  • Extensive range of insurance-related solutions and fixed-income strategies
  • Modular services platform: data management and processing, front and middle office tools, order execution.

Go-to partner for European investors

  • >35 years of relations of confidence with our clients
  • >30 insurer clients in Europe
  • Services platform tried-and-tested by our clients for over 10 years2.

Responsible and committed company

  • 100% of our analyses incorporate hardware ESG factors**
  • 94% of assets managed in open-ended funds SRI-labelled
  • €35 billion of green bonds1
  • PRI signatory since 2008 with an A/A+ rating3


** Excluding ABS and RTO.

1 Source: Ostrum Asset Management at March 31st 2024. Administered assets include Ostrum AM's assets. The services provided for a given client may concern certain services only.

2 Through the capitalistic combination that led to the creation of Ostrum AM on October 1st 2018.

3 Ostrum AM was one of the first French asset managers to sign the PRI in 2008. For more information: www.unpri.org.

Further Reading

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