Insurance solutions

The expertise of our team of insurance solutions engineers includes producing tailor-made analyses and solutions, in the context of a fully customised approach, in response to the needs of insurance companies, including asset / liability management (ALM), hedging, regulatory constraints and capital use and optimisation.

  • Assess the optimal fixed-income and equity investment universe to achieve defined objectives
  • Examine the potential added value of alternative investments
  • Plan  a potential allocation trajectory towards reaching objectives
  • Analyse potential flows and how they will be impacted by different market scenarios
  • Anticipate, from an opprtunities vs risks perspective, the impact of regulatory changes, or modifications to the insurer's own objectives (non-financial / ALM / SCR budget/ IFRS9...).

The desired result can be assessed in several ways, including accounting yield, solvency and other ratios, capital gains or losses and cashflows.
Within the insurance department, the insurance solutions team works in close collaboration with all of the portfolio managers to find the best response to investors' preoccupations.

Financial engineering, ALM & portfolio acquisition

  • Portfolio acquisition or restructuring analysis
  • Strategic long-term allocation under liabilities constraints
  • Bond investment universe screening analysis

Investment and capital deployment framework optimisation

  • Investment framework optimisation and defining limits or leeway by asset class

  • Regular review of investment framework following innovation and structural market changes

  • Portfolio review in the context of capital optimisation / modification

Seeking yield, hedging/overlay

  • Multi-criteria analysis covering the seacrh for yield, based on our 5-year outlook
  • Review of market innovations and structured solutions
  • Analysis and implementation of tactical or strategic hedging

Regulatory, accounting & market screening

  • Regulatory changes screening: Solvency 2, IFRS 9 & 17, local GAAP accounting standards, European taxonomy, etc.
  • Analysis of structural impacts and their effect on solutions offered in the market


Our insurance solutions team

  • Pierre Puymèges

    Pierre Puymèges

    Insurance solutions

  • Rémi Lamaud

    Rémi Lamaud

    Insurance solutions

Reading time : 15 min.
Each month we share the conclusions from the monthly strategy investment committee which provides a summary of Ostrum’s views on the economy, strategy and markets.
Reserved for pros
Reading time : 5 min.
The ECB has started its rate cut cycle, but we do not expect rapid adjustments in the coming months. Yields should therefore remain attractive in the money market, which also offers low volatility and interest rate risk. Money market assets should therefore remain an important component of investors' asset allocation.To find out more about this interesting context, Fairouz Yahiaoui, Money market Portfolio Manager and Sanda Molotcov, Head of Credit Research at Ostrum AM share their views in this video.
Reserved for pros
Reading time : 5 min.
The Ultra Short Plus Credit strategy, an SRI investment opportunity in the very short maturity corporate bond market.‘For investors looking for regular and attractive yields, very short-term credit can offer the right solution: Short-term euro rates are at their highest in 15 years.’Emmanuel Schatz, Portfolio Manager for the SRI Credit Ultra Short Plus strategy
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