Money Market

Key features

1.    An extensive SRI money-market fund offering based on two ranges i.e. short-term money-market funds and standard money-market funds*.

2.    SRI Money-market strategies that invest exclusively in high-quality credit securities, applying Ostrum Asset Management’s analysis and methodology.

3.    An investment process that draws on a stringent selection of both issuers and geographical areas, incorporating non-financial criteria.


*These funds and strategies carry a risk of capital loss and are not guaranteed. Investment in this type of strategy is different from investing in deposits, as it is exposed to the risk that invested capital may fluctuate. Strategies do not rely on external support to guarantee liquidity or stabilize the investment’s value.


Our strengths

  • specialized-experts

    Long-standing expertise

    Historical expertise implemented by a recognized player in money market and SRI management, which applies to 100% of our money market funds.

  • people

    In-house credit research team

    Our in-house credit research analysts determine issuers' eligibility for our money-market funds, integrating the materiality of ESG factors on credit quality.

  • efficiency

    Strict risk control

    Ostrum Asset Management’s Risk department conducts stringent risk control to select and consistently monitor issuers eligible for the investment universe.

Our investment team

  • Alain Richier

    Alain Richier

    Head of the Money Market Department

  • Fairouz Yahiaoui

    Fairouz Yahiaoui

    Leader Expert Money Markets

Further Reading

Reading time : 5 min.
Reading time : 15 min.
Each month we share the conclusions from the monthly strategy investment committee which provides a summary of Ostrum AM's views on the economy, strategy and markets.
Reserved for pros

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