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This month in a nutshell

  • European parliament adopts new rules on binding pay-transparency measures, making easier for employees to compare salaries and expose existing gender pay gaps.
  • The Banque de France stepped up its climate commitments, and affirmed its goal of aligning all equity components with a global warning trajectory of 1.5°C by end-2025.
  • Bruno Le Maire, the French Minister of Economy and Finance, said that the 5% savings measures requested from the ministries for 2024 will make it possible to release 7 billion euros that will be used in particular to finance the ecological transition.
  • The IIGCC published a new framework aiming at helping investors to assess alignment of oil and gas compagnies’ transition plans with a 1.5°C climate scenario.
  • The US Environmental Protection Agency proposes new pollution standards for cars and trucks to accelerate transition to a clean transportation future.
  • The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development issued a 2 billion euro-denominated sustainable bond.

Figure of the month

The European Commission approves €450M Italian scheme to support Investment in the integrated production of renewable hydrogen and renewable electricity. This initiative is in line with the Green Deal Industrial Plan.


Market returns (%)


Data as of 04/28/2023 - Sources : Bloomberg MSCI Euro Green Bond Index et Bloomberg MSCI Global Green Bond Index

Sustainable issuances evolution ($ Bn)


Sources : Bloomberg/Ostrum AM – Data as of 03/31/2023

  • Olivier Vietti

    Olivier Vietti

    Senior Fixed Income Fund manager