Understanding the Booming Market for Sustainable Bonds
The sustainable bond market has experienced strong growth in 2020, with the rise of new instruments.
Ostrum AM reviews the major themes impacting the sustainable bond market today: an analysis of the market and the outlook, the impact of regulation, the risks of greenwashing and the concept of just transition.
Part 1 – 2020, a record year for sustainable bonds
What is a sustainable bond?
A review of the market in 2020
- The boom in social bonds
- New green bond issuers
- What type of projects are funded?
The outlook for 2021
- Green bond market
- Social bond market
- More dollar-denominated bonds
- What does the future hold for sustainability-linked bonds and transition bonds?
Part 2 – The EU Green Taxonomy and the future green bond standard: constraint or opportunity?
- The Green Taxonomy’s opportunities
- Constraints
- How can the quality of sustainable bonds be ensured?
- Other factors that should contribute to the development of the sustainable bond market
Part 3 – Increasing investor interest in the social dimension of the energy transition
- Including the objective of a just transition in our investment process