For the second consecutive year, Ostrum AM has partnered with 45 holders, asset managers with a weight of nearly €3 trillion in assets and the Forum for Responsible Investment (FIR) in their efforts to improve shareholder dialogue and accelerate the energy transition.

Like its partners in this commitment, Ostrum AM is aware of its role in financing the energy transition. This Forum aims to encourage shareholder dialogue in a constructive manner and encourages companies to systematize the update of climate resolutions, while publishing enough quality information for shareholders to assess their positioning and trajectory.

Ostrum AM makes engagement one of its priority themes. Certain themes are favoured by the bond management teams and supported by credit analysts, others so by the equity management teams. On its website, Ostrum AM communicates on its engagement activity and presents the quantitative elements and results obtained in a report published each year.

Le dialogue actionnarial peut aboutir à de vrais progrès pour le climat

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